Dante's Inferno

Other Projects

The Quarter Circle

From Dante to Botticelli: 00-scale

In 2017, inspired by a trip to Florence, a model of Dante’s Inferno, using a Subbuteo corner terrace was created.

Donated to the OSC Florentia Firenze Museo

In the October OldSubbuteo tournament in Florence later that year, the model was donated to the OSC Florentia Firenze Museo, graciously accepted by the Museum curator Andrea Mura

The Full Circle

The full circle of the Nine Circles of Hell

One epiphany later, around the concept that four corner terracing units would in fact make a full circle(!), a larger model was mused. However, not wanting to eclipse the gift to the OSC Florentia Firenze Museo, this was confessed to Andrea Mura (who was now the Bishop of OSC Florentia Firenze), who forgave the sin and embraced the new project! The full circle was created...

Circles 1-2

Limbo: Unbaptised and virtuous pagans - Struck with grief from a lack of God's presence...

Lust: Contorted and blown about by violent and endless wind, souls strikes underworld rock...

Circles 3-4

Gluttony: Bombarded with hail, rain and black snow...

Greed: Forced to push boulders; souls facing each other, enter into a fierce battle...

Circle 5

Anger: The wrathful, sullen and lazy engage in eternal combat with each other on the surface of the River Styx, where bodies of sullen lie at the bottom...

Circles 6-7

Heresy: Heretics and false teachers locked in burning stone coffins...

Violence: Tyrants and robbers forced to swim in a sea of blood; Gamblers are chased by hounds; Suicide, trees ripped apart by Harpies; Usurers and blasphemers condemned to a desert of blazing sand with a constant rain of fire...

Circle 8

Fraud: Flatterers immersed in human excrement; Simoniacs placed in holes head first with their legs exposed and burned; Diviners contorted until their heads are half backwards...

Circle 9

Treachery: Corrupt politicians immersed in pool of boiling pitch; Hypocrites forced to wear cloaks of lead; Betrayers of kin, country, guests and benefactors lodged head up in blocks of ice...

The Guardians


There is no escape! In the third circle, Cerberus, the mythical three-headed police horse from Virgil’s Subbutaeneid guards the way...

The boatmen

One of the linos keeping order in the fifth circle...

The police

Keeping good order in the desert of blazing sand

Construction and Prep

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