Get Involved

Suggest events; Take part in events; Volunteer to support events; Donate to support the cause.

Please use our contact form to get in touch.

Suggest events

Friends of Old Subbuteo are happy to hear suggestions of events that bring people together and strengthen a sense of community.
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Friends of Old Subbuteo events are made possible by volunteers who help with administration, supporting new players in their games, helping with the catering and helping create content for social media and this website.
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Take part in events

If these pages have inspired you to take up the game, or rekindle an old interest, you are most welcome to be included in the Friends of Old Subbuteo circulars.
Contact us


Friends of Old Subbuteo runs entirely on grants and donations. Please click on this link if you would like to support future events for bringing people together.
Find out more
We run entirely on grants & donations. Support future events for bringing people together.
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