Celebrating the fun and friendship of Old Subbuteo.
“It’s not the winning or the losing, it’s the finding someone to play”
We create opportunities for people to spend some time with fellow Subbuteo enthusiasts. We hold events open to all – those who want to try the game, those who haven’t played since they were kids and those who have become addicted to the game. We welcome all standards of play from those taking part, but are uncompromising in our position that a cheerful disposition is mandatory!
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These are the events that the Friends of Old Subbuteo have sponsored, arranged, supported and developed since 2010.

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These are Subbuteo-inspired creations, from models to paintings to cartoon strips and all points inbetween.

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Here you will find the Old Subbuteo pitches and stadiums that have been conceived and constructed.

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Some Subbuteo-inspired music and sounds from down the years for your ears.

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Some old TV adverts, some TV clips, and some miscellaneous items that don't fit anywhere else.

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Get involved

Suggest events; Take part in events; Volunteer to support events; Donate to support the cause.

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We run entirely on grants & donations. Support future events for bringing people together.
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